Love is God
A Poem By Caleb Lara
In the beginning all there was, was One,
this One was Love, and thus, understanding begun,
With the intention to understand Itself; the first act of creation
commenced with a conscious dictation.
“Amar” translated from Hebrew as “said”
has the connotation of “to intend”
Out of this burning intention,
Light from Love was born.
The Universal Consciousness was formed.
This Consciousness is driven towards experience,
The Primordial Will To Be, the Hard problem, it’s all so mysterious.
God, Love, Universal Consciousness, all the same,
The Totality, The One, and The Sacred Flame.
Into a Dyad, The Monad had separated, emanated,
but Consciousness knew from where it had been generated.
Experiencing remained partial, so with an ego it was Decorated.
In its predisposition to experience itself,
Outside of Itself and in all aspects of Itself;
Consciousness with ego created the individual self,
but when ego dies, Love remains.
Love’s utmost drive is elf-expression;
creativity, beyond comprehension.
Love is Order, and through Love,
Order emerges from chaos, from above.
Universe is born, it converges.
life’s complexity emerges.
In Love all has been created,
through all created Love experiences.
In Love, probabilities aren’t negated,
through all probabilities Love life balances.
Love is ever-manifesting, for there is no night
Without a day that follows, in our sight
Out of Darkness, Love speaks the words “let there be Light”
And Light is borne, the perfect balance, is never torn.
The pendulum of manifestation swings one way then the other,
as Love’s intend, we all utter.
We experience these swings as good or evil,
Life is rife, and not for the feeble.
Existence is a complex web, interconnected by Love.
At the core, archetypal patterns, manifesting in the hereof.
Love serves as our window into the realities of Beauty
And the vastness of possibility, is its duty
Love is reflected from above, below, it’s the need
To exist in all that has manifested, from thought’s seed
The Absolute Divine force, from which all existence is made,
The essence of all mirrors It, it’ll never fade.
It’s the Ultimate Truth, pervasive throughout all creation.
What binds the atoms of matter and causes formation.
Love is a Universal Sympathy, the most powerful form of magick
A Divine force that transcends and connects all realities, it’s not a trick
“Love your neighbor as yourself,” it is written,
It’s existence’s underlying interconnectivity, that lays hidden.
All we do comes from a place of Love when properly living
And it’s the means by which we unify and uplift, it’s forgiving
Active and passive, Love comes in many forms
But it’s the means to an end, it transforms.