Fear is a foe
A Poem By Caleb Lara
Fear is a foe that can hold us back
From living life without lack.
It alerts us to danger, this is true
But also limits what we can do!
Comfort zones we may not leave,
Anxiety and fear we may not grieve
Risks we may not take or try
Our growth and future may dry
Love and relationships we may miss
Walls and barriers we may not dismiss
Connection and joy we may not find
A fulfilling life may be left behind
But Crowley, did say
Fear is an illusion, true powers lay
In facing and overcoming our fears
Higher states of consciousness, and power to steer
Magick he wrote, change reality
By changing perception, we set ourselves free
Overcoming fear is an act of growth
Expanding consciousness, and letting go of what we loath
Exposure therapy can help us see
That fear is not as bad as it may seem to be
Cognitive-behavioral therapy too
Helps change the way we think, and what we do
Let go of fear, and start to thrive
Life and love, fully realize
A deeper understanding of ourselves
for where fear is, evil lays