It is often heard that our reality is formed by our thoughts; as James Allan said, “as a man thinketh so he is.” If this stands to be true, it is of our convenience to analyze what is the fuel of these reality-manifesting thoughts. Simply put, the fuel and drive of our thoughts; and therefore of our reality, is our subconscious.
Our subconscious is most comfortable actively influencing our thought frames when our conscious is dormant and out of its way. For most people this only happens during sleep, and here it would be interesting to observe what the Book of the Divine Law tells us about this; in Job 33:15-16 we read:
“In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction”
As we could see, our dream state is of utmost importance not just to our physical and mental health but of importance to the wholeness of the reality we live. This should demand our most urgent attention, for this reason, we must prepare ourselves in the best way possible for our dream state.
Our brain’s cycle down sequence is as follows: Beta (15-60 Hz); where you are awake at a normal consciousness level, to Alpha (9-14 Hz) when you are relaxed, calm, and not pensive. Unto Theta (3-8 Hz) in which the mind is in deep relaxation with mental imagery active. Finally arriving at a Delta (.5-2 Hz) mind state, there we find a deep dreamless sleep in a sea of nothingness.
Arguably, the last few minutes of the waking day are the most important; those last moments when going through the alpha and theta state. Being between awake and falling asleep, still aware of what’s going on but too relaxed to even move.
During this time, the majority have a recapitulation review of the day’s happenings; unfortunately, often, the focus is on all the negative things that happened. This sets an unwanted state of being that works against an ultimate ideal; by entering the dream state, not ready to send out what is the truly desired reality. Instead, the subconscious conspires with the Universe on bringing about the primary thought frame that was active when entering the Alpha and Theta cycles. Typically, this is a scenario of worry and stress.
According to the American Institute of Stress, the risk of having a stroke is increased by 50% when one leads a stressful lifestyle, and they also mention that three out of four visits to the doctor are from stress-related ailments, and stress typically comes from undesired results.
Doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. To have something different in the reality we experience, we must do something different, and to do something different we must be different. Take control of your thoughts and emotions, and you take control of who you are. Take control of who you are, and you take control of your life and the world you live in. Gandhi said;
“BE THE CHANGE, you want to see in the world.”
Next time you find yourself in bed ready to go into your dream state, have the words of the book of Job in your mind and remember that the instructions of that which is to be your reality are about to be sealed within your subconscious.
Use this brief time at the very end of the waking day to go over all you are grateful for. The expression of gratitude is the key to the flood doors of blessings waiting for you to claim them into your life. Someone once said, “the world is yours,” as you read this, know that it’s not just the world that is yours, but the entire reality you experience.
At least for those last minutes of the day, shift away from fear and competition-based social standard. Ignore your senses which want to make you feel silly and practice visualizing yourself in those situations you desire in your life. Don’t stop at a mere image of what you want, go as far as actually feeling that way you know you’ll feel when this is manifested into your reality. Hebrews 11:1 tells us;
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
When preparing to go to sleep, do not give importance to the problems in your life. Never forget the subconscious is not personal, it does not differentiate between something real and a vivid thought.
Using the last minutes of your day to visualize and prepare yourself for those situations you want in your life is an important tool to start on your way to the life you want. Nothing is impossible to you; because though, we are not perfect, we are perfectible.